Operating Hours: 6am - 6pm

  1. Please reserve your ride by going to this link: https://bit.ly/2OHb7gU.

    • Please ensure that you enter a valid email address to receive a confirmation email.

    • Reservation forms are processed and responded to at these times: 8am, 11am, 2pm, and 6pm. Reservations made after 6pm will be responded to at 8am the following day.

  2. Reservations are limited to MEMBERS only.

  3. Reservations open on Saturday: 8am-6pm for Proprietary/Life Members; 10am-6pm for Spouses/Associates and Dependents. Additional slots may still be booked within the week subject to availability.

  4. Riders are allowed to reserve a maximum of 2 consecutive slots per day (e.g., 8am and 10am).

  5. A one-hour slot can be used by multiple horses.

  6. Reservation slots are non-transferrable.

  7. The Arena is open from 6am-6pm and will be closed for regular maintenance from 12nn-2pm daily.

  8. To ensure physical distancing protocols, below are the maximum number of users per facility, per hour, at any given time:

    • BIG ARENA – 6 riders at a time

    • SMALL ARENA – 2 riders at a time

    • EAST FIELD – 8 riders at a time

    • WEST FIELD – 6 riders at a time

  9. Clean and sanitize your equipment and other playing gear.

  10. Avoid touching any equipment, the benches, the Arena coordinator’s countertop and other items within the facility unnecessarily.

  11. Bring your own laundry bag or plastic bag for used shirts, shorts, towels, face masks and other clothing items. Do not leave these items exposed on the courts, seats and benches.

  1. Mandatory wearing of face mask is strictly implemented.

  2. Avoid touching your face after handling your riding equipment.

  3. Lessons, flatwork, stick and ball are allowed.

  4. Existing equipment set-up procedures will apply. This includes poles, fences, jumps, goals, etc. during lessons and practices.

  5. Ensure proper physical distancing at all times.


  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after the game.

  2. Members are strongly encouraged to leave the Club immediately after their activity to avoid crowding.

  3. No loitering after your ride.



For questions on the above guidelines, please contact the Polo & Equestrian office at 8817 0951 to 62 ext 270 or email pne@manilapolo.com.ph.

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