Welcoming the Newest Staff Members

23 March 2023

This issue, we say hello to four new staff members at Manila Polo Club! Here are some things you would like to know about them:

Ar. Ariel Morfe

Finishing school with a degree in BS Architecture, Ar. Ariel has gained the credentials to be the newest Project Manager at the General Services Departments. He is now responsible for planning, executing, monitoring, controlling, and closing projects of the Engineering Department. During his free time, you can catch him playing basketball or badminton. 

What’s your idea of a perfect day at work?

Any day that is stress-free would be ideal!

What’s an exciting part of your job that you look forward to every day?

The thing that excites me most is being able to see that work is being done! It is always satisfying to check things off your to-do list and see things come alive after long periods of planning or ideation.

What’s your biggest takeaway from your past jobs that will help you with Manila Polo Club?

Things always seem hard at the beginning, but with enough focus and patience, there is nothing that can stop you from achieving your task.

How do your friends describe you?

My friends would definitely describe me as a Drama King! Down to the little details, I have the tendency to notice anything!

Words YOU live by – and how you apply them to your life.

– “be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” – life is short so make sure you live it the way you like. That’s what matters the most.

Ar. Ariel Morfe | Project Manager
Rhenalyn Pajaroja | Membership Affairs Executive

Rhenalyn Pajaroja


Taking pride in her interpersonal and time management skills, Rhenalyn Pajaroja believes that these will help her be a vital arm of the Membership Department. Her degree in Tourism Management has led her to different jobs such as an office assistant and usherette, and now hopes to make waves at MPC as a team player and a strong believer in the company’s mission and vision. 

What motivates you to get up and go to work every day?

My motivation to get up to work is always my family because everything I do is for them. It is also important for me to keep my personal goals and dreams in mind, so that I will be able to achieve and exceed each day. 


What’s your idea of a perfect day at work?

My idea of a perfect day at work is when I feel happy as I go home and when I know that I was productive during the day.


What’s the biggest takeaway from your past jobs that will help you with Manila Polo Club?

One of the biggest takeaways from my past jobs is to have trust and patience for the people around me. When working with other people, it is important to trust other people to do their own responsibilities and also have patience when things don’t go my way. Those two values are the key to a harmonious and efficient workplace.

Do you like traveling? Where’s the best place you have been and would like to visit again after the pandemic? Name places/countries you’ve been to.

The best place I’ve been to so far is the Carribean Resort in Bulacan. I very much enjoyed my stay here because here my whole family was able to bond and have time to talk to each other again after a long time.

Words YOU live by – and how you apply them to your life.

Love & Trust. These two words are very important to me. I think those two are important because without them everything you do is nonsense. Love what you do and those around you then trust the process and people you think deserve your trust.

Anne Rose Agustina Sadang 


We at Manila Polo Club couldn’t get enough of all the new dishes to try each month. Joining our team is Anna Rose Sadang, as the new Food and Beverage Director at the F&B Department. With her expertise in the field and passion for hospitality, she enters Manila Polo Club determined to make Members, families and guests have pleasant and memorable dining experiences. 


What motivates you to get up and go to work every day? 


Knowing that I could go to work, earn a living and yet not feel like I am working. This is made possible by passion and love. 


What’s your idea of a perfect day at work?


Knowing that I had accomplishments and even went beyond my own expectations. Making people happy and receiving good feedback is always a bonus.


Do you like traveling? Where’s the best place you have been and would like to visit again after the pandemic? Name places/countries you’ve been to.


I would have to say Mexico City is a place I would never get tired of visiting. Their culture is rich with interesting food and crafts. Another place I would revisit would be Switzerland for their architectural structures and overall cleanliness.


Words YOU live by – and how you apply them to your life.


Live life to the fullest! – it makes me look forward to the next day.

Anne Rose Agustina Sadang | F&B Director
Lawrence Ulang | Electrician

John Lawrence Ulang

John Lawrence Ulang is no stranger to the world of electricity and general services. With his degree and past work experience in electricals, he enters Manila Polo Club hoping to use this knowledge and skill for the comfort of our Members and guests at the Club.


What motivates you to get up and go to work every day? 

More than anything, I always go to work with the mindset that I have to do this for my family. Everything that I do, every effort put into a certain task is dedicated to them.


What’s your biggest takeaway from your past jobs that will help you with Manila Polo Club? 

To be respectful to other people so that you will be able to build a strong foundation of teamwork.


How do your friends describe you? 

People would definitely describe me as a funny person.


If you can go back in time and meet with a famous person who has passed on, who would it be and why? 

I would like to meet all the biggest stars of ABS-CBN and GMA! I think it would be interesting to meet people who aren’t easily approachable.


Words YOU live by–and how you apply them to your life.

You only live once, enjoy the moment of your life.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg! Don’t be a stranger and chat up our new additions to the MPC family when you get a chance to get to know them a little more.

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