Welcoming Our New General Manager

Dear Members and Staff,


Greetings! I am delighted to advise that I accepted the offer to become the General Manager of the Manila Polo Club and commenced duties on Thursday 20 April 2023. I was honored to accept this most prestigious appointment and I am confident that my past experiences in the hospitality industry will help me in guiding the improvement and development of the Club.


For some personal background, I was born in Singapore to Eurasian parents, but emigrated to Australia at the age of 5, and I am very much a proud Aussie. My wife of nearly 30 years, Sarah, is also an Australian, but was brought up in Dallas, Texas. Sarah operates our two restaurants in Boracay, being, Lemoni Café and Dinibeach Restaurant & Bar. We have a son, Liam, who celebrated his 1st birthday in Subic in 1998 and completed all his schooling here in Manila at the Beacon School.


We have lived for over 26 years in the Philippines. I have personally managed several iconic properties here, namely, Crown Peak Hotel & Convention Center in Subic Bay 1997-98, Fridays Boracay Resort 1999-2002, El Nido Resorts 2004-2010, as well as the Tower Club 2011-2020. My experiences prior to the Philippines covered Performing Arts & Convention Centers, Sports Stadiums, Luxury Villas, Resorts, Hotels, and even a Yacht Club in Southport, Queensland.


During my term, I aim to take on a leadership style that has been effective in my past experiences in organizational management. Situational leadership is both directive and supportive. It is through this style of leadership that every member of our team will be thoroughly assessed regarding specific tasks and will be given the guidance and support that is needed for them to fulfill their roles to the best of their ability.


I aim to work with the rest of the key management team to develop the skills of all personnel at the Club and pursue mastery through training sessions and developmental activities. More than the Club being a business and a place for work, I would like for it to remain a sanctuary for all employees. We will hold regular team building activities to strengthen the camaraderie among us and help all get to know each other more as one team.


Under my management, there will be an open-door policy, where anyone is free to raise their concerns, propose plans and give honest feedback at any time. This very much applies to our members, staff, as well as key contractors and stakeholders. This feedback will help guide us to achieve our goals and provide a better quality of products and services, ensuring higher member satisfaction, and exceeding our financial targets as well.

I give many thanks to the Board of Trustees who have entrusted me with this role to lead the organization, and I accept this tremendous challenge in guiding the Club to maintain its status as the premier sports club that Members will be proud of. I look forward to meeting you all very soon.


Best Regards,

Etienne La’Brooy,

General Manager

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