The Family that Keeps Growing : Manila Polo Club’s Newest Staff Additions

27 June 2022


The new normal has increased the demand for activities here at Manila Polo Club. With the sudden influx of Member and guest visits since the pandemic has eased up, we needed all the help we could get across all departments. So whether we are focusing on improving our menus, keeping surroundings clean, or making sure we keep our sports facilities booked and busy, we continue to fill out our employee roster with only the most qualified staff members in the Metro. Get to know the newest members of the MPC family!

Kristine Joyce Go


When it comes to kitchen activities, we have to ensure utmost hygiene to keep our Members, guests and staff safe from harmful bacteria and illnesses. What better way to monitor this than with the help of Kristine Joyce Go. Having a degree in Biology, Kristine committed to her love for the sciences by training for microbiological testing, identification and dissection of different insects, skilled in coffee sensory evaluation after college. Now, she serves as our Hygiene and Sanitation Supervisor under the F&B Department.


What motivates you to get up and go to work every day? 

The thing that motivates me the most would be the goal to work in the agriculture industry and animal conservation in the future. I always make sure to work hard so that I could have that type of career in the future with enough experience and credentials. 


What’s an exciting part of your job that you look forward to everyday? 

[Laughs] Surprise inspections, of course! 

Kristine Joyce Go | Hygiene and Sanitation Supervisor

How do your friends describe you? 

I’m sometimes described as someone who shares characteristics with a corgi when I am in a good mood and a chihuahua when I am hungry and stressed. Though I seem nice and cuddly most of the time, I could come off pretty feisty. 


If you can go back in time and meet with a famous person who has passed on, who would it be and why? 

Madam Miriam Santiago-Defensor, because why not! In all seriousness, it is mostly because she embodies the ideal boss woman who is not afraid to speak her mind. I think she is an inspiration to women all over, and it would be really great to have a heated educational talk with her as well. 


Words YOU live by.

Face it til’ you make it.

Meriam Zurbano | P&E Admin and Events Coordinator

Meriam Zurbano


As an Admin and Events Coordinator, flexibility, optimism and resourcefulness are non-negotiables. Lucky for us, Meriam Zurbano entered MPC with the exact qualities we are looking for to help with Polo and Equestrian activities at the Club. With a degree in Business and Financial Management, and experience as a research & admin assistant, we only trust her to champion daily tasks in the department and go beyond what is expected. 


What’s your idea of a perfect day at work?

My idea of a perfect day at work is whenever I accomplish a task without stressing out. 


What’s your biggest takeaway from your past jobs that will help you with Manila Polo Club?

My biggest takeaway from my past jobs that will help me in my present job is that I really learned to be confident in conversing with other people. In my new job here at MPC, being a coordinator means that I would have to communicate and interact with the Members and guests.

How do your friends describe you?

My friends describe me as a happy-go-lucky friend! I tend to be that person who always sees the brighter side to things and remains positive even when things look bad. I guess one unique trait would also be my theatrical reactions that I am oftentimes referred to as “OA” or overreacting.


Do you like traveling? Where’s the best place you have been and would like to visit again after the pandemic. Name places / countries you’ve been to.

I love traveling! I’ve been to Siargao Island, and I will never get tired of going back there. Bantayan, Baguio, Sagada, Tagaytay and Batangas are some other places I love to visit in the Philippines. For international travel, however, I’ve been to Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Macau. 


Do you have any sport / hobby? Please list down below.

My hobbies are reading, watching TV series or documentary films.  I also have this hobby of collecting socks! I’m not into sports but I like Badminton.


Edwin Acuyan


Edwin Acuyan began his career in the Food and Beverage industry as a casual banquet waiter in numerous restaurants back in 1993. After gaining experience in the culinary world, and being persistent in his passion for food, he finally made his way to be the Director for Food and Beverage here at the Manila Polo Club. The Biology major is a jack-of-all-trades, having vast knowledge and skill in bartending, mixology, French Fine Dining, and many languages as well. 

Why are you here? 

I wanted to be part of the Manila Polo Club mainly because of its premiere status, treasure of nostalgia, and its vast history. It is a privilege and a great honor to be given the unique opportunity to contribute and share my acquired skills and expertise to the team and achieve the goal of providing a quality best service to each member and guests’ experience.  

What’s your idea of a perfect day at work? 

A perfect day at work would be to see all guests delighted, and to have all issues resolved in the operations aspect of the job. It is definitely a bonus to create repeat guests, which translates to making business great.

Edwin Acuyan | Food and Beverage Director

What’s your biggest takeaway from your past jobs that will help you with Manila Polo Club? 

I had extensive training and exposure internationally and domestically and working experience from starting at the lowest position. By knowing first-hand what to prepare, how to react and what the specific tasks are essential and its goals, to produce high standards of service and product quality, which would surely contribute in raising the bar in service and product standards, to compete and excel among top properties.


Do you like traveling? Where’s the best place you have been and would like to visit again after the pandemic. Name places / countries you’ve been to.

Yes! Been fortunate to be see the globe while working onboard a world cruise liner. I truly enjoy exploring countries that each have their own special uniqueness and identity. Some of my favorite places include, Christchurch in New Zealand, Adelaide in Australia, Miami Beach in Florida mainland US, the Hawaiian Islands, Quebec in Canada and the Scandinavian countries. 


Words YOU live by – and how you apply it to your life.

Passion – in everything that you do.

Faith – which holds everything together, believing that all things will be better.

Love – everyone around you, family, friends, and all things that make life worthwhile. 

Blessings – count them, big or small.

Perseverance – never give up on anything, no matter the odds.

Live – a life of purpose, enjoying each moment as it comes by fast

New – choosing to learn something every day, giving a reason to grow and change.

Goals – which motivates and inspires us.

Wisdom – experience is still the best teacher. 

Laughter- indeed is the best medicine, why worry? all things do pass.

Charlene Javier | Financial Analyst

Charlene Sabado-Javier


Being an Accountancy graduate made Charlene Sabado-Javier very well-versed in the world of finance. In fact, she gained quite the experience in the field, entering various companies as a general accountant and financial analyst. With all that knowledge and experience, it is no question that she would be a great asset to the MPC Finance Department.


What motivates you to get up and go to work every day? 

My family is my motivation to get up and to work every day.


What’s an exciting part of your job that you look forward to everyday?

I think for me, one exciting part of my job is to be able to prepare analysis on financial data and to present the way readers will understand it clearly.


Do you like traveling? Where’s the best place you have been and would like to visit again after the pandemic. Name places / countries you’ve been to. 


Yes! Palawan is one of the best places I’ve been to and I would love to visit again and see other parts of it.


What type of music do you listen to? 

I love listening to BTS (Bangtan Sonyeondan) songs. I also listen to OPM and other pop music.


If you can go back in time and meet with a famous person who has passed on, who would it be and why? 

If I can go back in time and meet with a (late) famous person, it will be Miriam Defensor-Santiago. I would love to have an intelligent conversation with her. 


Words YOU live by – and how you apply it to your life. 

Golden rule of Confucius: Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself. (And) I believe in Karma (good and bad).

Maricel Balimbing


25-year old Maricel Balingbing is the definition of motivated and passionate. Having a degree in Business Administration and a major in Marketing Management has made her very skilled with computer functions and even customer relations. She entered the MPC Finance Department with the goal to maximize her knowledge in a job that she loves and that would help her attain her career goals in the future.


What’s your idea of a perfect day at work?

I can consider a perfect day at work when I accomplish all of my work without any lapses, and being passionate and happy while doing so. 


What’s an exciting part of your job that you look forward to everyday?

The exciting part for me at work is when I see my colleagues doing their job happily and full of encouragement. Secondly, I look forward to fully accomplishing my tasks as they are my own little achievements that could help me grow in the role, and eventually in my future career. 


What are your interests? Tell us more about it.

I am interested in traveling and volunteering. I like to get involved in community service and also take time to hike when I have the time because it really evokes a sense of happiness and fulfillment when work gets hectic.

Maricel Balimbing | Credit and Collection Assistant

If you can go back in time and meet with a famous person who has passed on, who would it be and why?

If I had the chance to meet a famous person that has already passed away, I would choose Mr. Albert Einstein. It would be nice to be mentored by him so that I could come close to his reputable status! I love science, so it would be really amazing to learn from him. 

Words YOU live by – and how you apply it to your life.

“When something bad happens you have Three Choices. You can either Let Define you, Let it Destroy you, or You can Let it Strengthen you.” This words that always remind to me whenever I have to face a trial in life I always choose and use that strengthen to overcome any trial.

Mary Joy Sincua

Who would have thought that a barista would end up working as a sales executive for one of the most trusted banks in the Philippines? Yes, Mary Joy Sincua has experienced it all! From taking up Food Service Management, to being immersed in the corporate world, Mary Joy now enters Manila Polo Club as a Purchasing Assistant confident in what she could bring to the table.


What motivates you to get up and go to work every day? 

My goals and my dreams motivate me to do pretty much anything, especially when it comes to my career. I also make it a point to keep my family in mind and give back to them for supporting me through all my endeavors so far. 


What’s your idea of a perfect day at work? 

A perfect day for me is accomplishing every task given to me by my supervisor. A little “Good job!” definitely is a confidence booster! 

Share your most exhilarating moment so far. 

Among many experiences both big and small, I guess the most exhilarating moments involve all the times I saw my parents being proud of what I have become and achieved in life so far.


Words YOU live by – and how you apply it to your life
“When something bad happens, you have 3 choices.

You can either let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you.”

As we continue to power through unprecedented times, we need a team that is excellent, committed and resilient. There is no doubt that our newest additions to the MPC family have been displaying exactly that. So never hesitate to reach out to them whenever you need assistance in their respective departments or simply spark up a quick conversation to brighten their day.

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