Taking a Breath

1 September 2020

Our Yoga instructor Arcel Tolentino is trying to keep a calm outlook as she adapts to the changes to her schedule and livelihood since the lockdown began.

How has your career been impacted by the pandemic?
The fitness industry has been badly hit by the pandemic so that means I have no classes at the Club. It’s a good thing that I was doing online classes even before COVID-19, so I was able to, at least, get some of my clients to join the online classes. Still, I have fewer clients now.

Has your family life been turned upside down since the lockdown began?
Yes, definitely. My eldest son was supposed to start working in April but due to the lockdown, he was advised to await until further notice. I also spend whatever earnings I have wisely and buy only the essentials.

What have been your best coping strategies for dealing with the pandemic and keeping your sanity? Tell us what fitness routines you followed.
Conducting online classes has been helping me deal with the pandemic. Since I am a group instructor, I give free classes to my clients and to those who would like to stay fit but have no extra budget to spare. This way, I stay connected with my clients and contacts. I do and teach my own yoga routine. I am now into boxing as well since my son now teaches boxing to keep him busy during this unpredictable period.

What did you miss most about the club during the lockdown? What are you looking forward to doing once lockdown restrictions loosen up and make you feel more confident about socializing while remaining mindful of safety protocols?
I miss my co-instructors, my Member-clients, who have been more like family to me since I started in 2007 at the Club. I also miss the staff from the different offices, who have become my friends over the years. More importantly, I miss my old routine because I used to have almost back-to-back classes. I look forward to dining out again with my sons, taking them to movies and spending our usual weekend bonding sessions without worries.

How has your outlook towards life changed since the coronavirus crisis began? Are there any new mantras you live by now?
It’s always good to save money for a rainy day. This pandemic has made me appreciate the blessings I have, the relationships I keep and that there are less fortunate people who are in dire need of our help. I would like to extend assistance in any way I can.

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