Softball Field Baseball Drills and Practices – Safety Protocols

25 November 2021


Kindly take note of the following guidelines promoting the health and safety of our players, coaches and staff. We hope to see you on the field.


Operating Hours: 6am – 10pm 


1. Exclusively for game training practices and drills with no physical contact allowed.

2. The one member – ten guests’ policy of the Club for Softball Field Facility will be strictly followed. All Guests must be fully vaccinated prior to access of softball facility.

3. All request for reservations will have to be approved by the Softball Subcommittee. Team practices must be booked a week in advance.

4. Regular rental rates apply.

5. Total number of players shall be a MAXIMUM of 10 on the field at any given time. No loitering after practice to avoid crowding at the softball area.

6. Facemasks shall be properly worn at all times off the field (it is recommended that facemasks be worn on the field as well).

6.1 No sharing of gloves/mitts shall be allowed.

6.2 All batters MUST wear batting gloves on both hands when batting.

7. General Social Distancing Requirements: Must follow maximum of 3 players per quadrant during session to ensure physical distancing, see field layout below.

7.1 Minimum of one (1) meter at all times while on the field;

7.2 Catchers must be at least 1-1/2 meters behind the batter;

7.3 Designated social distancing areas have been marked outside the playing field particularly in dugout, sidelines, and spectators area must be strictly followed at all times.

8. It is STRONGLY recommended that there be no sharing of equipment other than the baseball and softball bats. Balls are replaced with new ones and are not to be reused during the remainder of every session.

9. Avoid touching your face after handling equipment.

10. All equipment should be sanitized before and after each session.


Members are encouraged to inform their guests in advance to complete online all required guest entry and waivers forms prior to coming to the Club. Otherwise, the member is required to accompany their guest to the Membership Office to fill-up forms prior to use of sports facility.


For questions on the above guidelines, please contact the Sports & Athletics Office at 8817 0951 to 61 ext 260 or email

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