Polo Fit – Safety Protocols

27 April 2021


Regular physical activity can help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety, which many of us are feeling in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. We have implemented the following safety guidelines for a safe and enjoyable workout at Polo Fit.


Operating Hours: 6am – 10pm



  1. A maximum capacity of ten (10) Members only at any given time slot of 1hr and 30mins

    • Please arrive at least five minutes before your reserved slot and leave immediately once it is over.
    • Overstaying is not allowed.

  2. Maximum of 1-time slot reservation per Member per day.

    • If a Member arrives late for his/her reservation, only the remaining time is allowed to be used.

    • Extensions will be entertained based on slot availability.

    • A reservation slot is non-transferable, so it cannot be transferred to the Spouse, Dependent or another Member.

  3. Please ensure that you:

    • Plan your workout routine;

    • Wear gym gloves when using equipment;

    • Bring your own gym towels;

    • Minimize talking while inside the Polo Fit premises;

    • Drink beverage in designated areas;

    • Bring your own water – water dispensers are temporarily not available;

    • Wear a mask at all times, as mandated by the Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF), covering both nose and mouth during the full duration of your booking:
      • Masks with valves are prohibited.

      • Foam masks or scarf like material masks are prohibited.

  4. Users are required to sanitize and disinfect gym equipment before and after use with cleaning and disinfecting agents to be supplied by the Club.
  5.  Advanced reservation is strongly advised via https://bit.ly/PoloFit1 for proper capacity management and strict implementation of physical distancing. Only 10 Members at any given time slot shall be allowed.

    • Please ensure that you enter a valid email address to receive an acknowledgment email. Reservation forms are processed and responded to at these times: 8am, 12pm, 3pm.

    • Reservations made after 3pm will be responded to at 8am the following day.

    • Holding time: 15 minutes No-Show fee: Php 250.00

  6. Strictly One Member: One Guest policy applies, subject to applicable daily and guest fees. Only those with valid reservations during a particular time slot will be permitted to enter Polo Fit.


  1. Polo Fit staff must undergo temperature checks and accomplish health declaration forms at the entrance, prior to their duty.

  2. Wearing of jewelry (e.g. rings, bracelets watches, earrings, exposed body piercings) is not allowed.

  3. Staff must practice proper personal hygiene (e.g. clipped fingernails, observance of company-imposed personal hygiene and sanitation).

  4. Mandatory wearing of:

    • Face mask (no valve, no foam or scarf-like material) and face shield.

    • Closed shoes.

  5. Practice our contactless policy. Assisted stretching is prohibited.


  1. Cleaning agents will be placed on top of the two end shelves of Polo Fit and on top of every other exercise machine.

  2. Wiping cloths will be placed on top of the two end shelves of Polo Fit.

  3. Our housekeeping personnel is on standby to clean and disinfect our equipment after every use.

  4. Our tools and equipment are thoroughly disinfected at the end of our daily operations.

For questions on the above guidelines, please contact the Sports & Athletics Office at 8817 0951 to 61 ext 260 or email sports.facilities@manilapolo.com.ph.

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