7 May 2021

It is with anticipation that we present the first online edition of Polo Post.

One year of living in COVID reality has shown how critical communication with our members is. The weekly e-newsletters, bi-weekly Instagram and Facebook posts, the SMSes, and bi-weekly Viber blasts have all been critical in our communication: from contact tracing to informing our members about the many efforts to ensure safe enjoyment of the Club. Finding the most efficient way to communicate with all members was always an integral part of all discussions. The pandemic accelerated the adoption of the plethora of means of communication outside traditional channels and for most of us “online everything” became a daily reality.

Past Boards and Marketing Committees covered a lot of ground in terms of initiating digitizing our communication. The pandemic has made going online and using social media imperative and removed many of the misgivings of different stakeholders. Moving the Polo Post online also gives us a much wider and deeper platform to communicate with different groups of members.  It has also made it possible to be interactive, real-time, and more visually appealing. The team and its partner providers have worked long and hard and are excited about presenting this first edition and we hope you will embrace the features:


  • The landing page will contain all the new news.
  • It has the Top Menu that brings you straight to your area of interest: Club News & COVID Rules, Food & Beverage, Polo & Equestrian, Sports & Athletics, and Polo Market
  • Club News will be the section where you can find the latest general interest news. You can find the latest Member Features, Special Interests, New Members, MPC Team Features, Nostalgia, and COVID Corner updates here.
  • Food & Beverage, Polo & Equestrian, Sports & Athletics will contain the section-specific news and features
  • The Polo Market section is where you can see the available merchandise from all Club outlets.  Under Polo Market, we are excited to present the Polo Flea Market, which replaces the old Buy/Sell Bulletin Board of the Club. This is where, subject to Club guidelines, members can advertise items for consideration of other members. 

Polo Post’s online version with all its added features has been developed in the hope of strongly increasing members’ engagement with the Club and with each other. Our members have so much to offer and the Polo Post can be the platform where interaction happens, a community is strengthened and great ideas are shared. This maiden issue is a combination of recent and new developments, what to expect in the club as well as some throwback photos and events before the lockdown. It is a continuing work in progress and with everyone’s support, we hope to make it the country’s leading online club platform!


Marketing Committee Chairperson

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