From the General Manager | January – March 2023

3 April 2023

Dear Members, 




What an exciting first quarter of the year, and we are glad to see even more Members and their family enjoy the Club the same way they used to. Since foot traffic has increased, our hallways have been filled with more light and laughter, just as we wished for the new year. Among the revamped amenities, new menu items and consecutive family events, it was the perfect time to revive the Polo Season and Equestrian games.


The Polo Season resumed in full bloom starting January and ended with a bang in March, and we are delight that its return has been a huge success. With nine cups throughout three months, families and friends gathered at the Enrique Zobel Field to enjoy exciting bouts and found loads of other activities to do within the Club. Whether it be chatting up old friends, trying new dishes, or making use of our refurbished facilities, the Polo Season is everyone’s chance to return to their second home and relive old traditions. We are grateful to all our sponsors who made this season possible, and to the Members who showed utmost enthusiasm for the game of kings, one of the most important pillars of the Manila Polo Club.


Impressive dressage and show jumping events have also seen more Members come and watch as the Equestrian Season also recommenced this year. Each weekend that our talented pool of equestrians put on a show for families and guests makes the perfect opportunity for all athletes and enthusiasts to bond over a sport they greatly missed over the pandemic. The Annual Horse Show is also back this year after a four-year hiatus, bigger and better than ever before.  


The 55th Annual Horse Show was the Equestrian main event, held last 25-26 March 2023. Among the exciting Gymkhana, Dressage, and Show Jumping events that had taken place, the partnership with Kiddo-preneur also gave our children an interactive platform to learn and develop entrepreneurial skills at a young age.


To cap off the month, we also held the Symphony at the Terrace last 30 March. The attendees were pleased to experience the traditional European Grand-arena style concert at the East Terrace to fine classical tunes of the Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra led by Maestro Hermingildo Ranera with a lineup of world-class performers.



We have undoubtedly set the bar for the rest of the year with the rebirth of our beloved Polo and Equestrian seasons. This April, we have an exciting Easter Safari adventure coming up. Members and guests can look forward to fun games, the much-awaited Easter egg hunt for the kids, and loads of opportunities to reconnect with old friends and loved ones. Stay tuned for more announcements on upcoming events.



I would also like to take this opportunity to bid farewell as I step down from the role of Manila Polo Club’s General Manager. On one hand, I am filled with gratitude for the time we have spent together, the work we have accomplished, and the relationships we have built. On the other hand, I am sad to say goodbye to this company that I have had the privilege to manage and lead, especially during the challenging times of the pandemic.



Over the past few years, we have overcome obstacles and achieved great things. Together, we have pushed through difficult times and come out stronger on the other side. The pandemic was a true test of our resilience, and I am proud to have been part of a team that rose to the challenge and persevered.



I am grateful for the opportunity to work alongside such talented and dedicated individuals. I have learned so much from each and every one of you, and I will carry those lessons with me wherever I go. It has been an honor to be your leader and to witness the growth and development of this company under our collective guidance.



As I prepare to move on to new challenges, I want you to know that I will never forget the time we spent together. I will always cherish the memories we made, the challenges we faced, and the victories we achieved. I know that this company will continue to thrive in the years to come, and I am confident that the relationships we have built will endure.



So, I say goodbye to this company with a heart full of gratitude and a deep appreciation for all that we have accomplished together. Thank you for the privilege of being your manager and leader. I will miss you all and wish you nothing but the best for the future.




Truly yours,

General Manager

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