Dependents Michael Ottiger and Danielle Gonzalez: Youth and Fitness

17 December 2021

Fighting Fit

High school senior Michael Ottiger has had a challenging couple of years, no thanks to the pandemic, but staying fit and keeping his mind engaged has helped him stay in shape physically and mentally. A regular user of Polo Fit, he loves the relaxed vibe in the Club; working out at the gym, and then hanging out by the Terrace to get a bite to eat has become part of his regular routine.  He’s looking forward to college life next year. Character Through Sports
Currently a Communications major with a minor in Business Management, Danielle Gonzalez grew up in the Club, and has always been an athlete, playing soccer, tennis and golf. Playing a sport has taught her many valuable lessons – hard work, endurance, determination and teamwork, not to mention adaptability to various situations – that apply not just on the court or on the field, but also to life. These lessons also helped her cope with the lock-downs, bringing her closer to her family as they found ways to spend time together in confined spaces.  Post-university, she’s considering a career in finance or tech.

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