Customizing Workouts anytime with PoloFit’s Newest Program — Fitness On Demand

27 June 2022


People are always looking for new ways to stay fit and keep active. While their regular routines remain to be comfortable and effective, fitness moguls still recommend to switch it up, and try new workouts to get that body moving and grooving to the beat of a different drum. We, at PoloFit, aren’t any different. 


We want to encourage our Members to get up and customize their workouts based on their own preferences and capacities too. Starting this month, witness our Digital Fitness room inside PoloFit transform into your own private workout suite, complete with a big TV and an iPad to connect to Fitness on Demand. From 6:00 AM-10:00 PM, Members will have complete access to virtual fitness classes of their choice! 

We interviewed Mr. Bernie Laygo, Polo Fit Subcommittee Chairperson to learn more about this new fitness campaign.


What inspired you to open a digital fitness area in the gym?

The DFR was conceived to address Polofit members wanting to work out away from other members due to covid concerns. It’s a single body or one household use room. Members would use the machines in there such as the treadmills, elliptical, recumbent bike, rower, air runner, stepper, and stat bike for their aerobic workout.


They would also bring in light free weights to use in resistance exercises for muscle build up or toning. Polofit added a selection of virtual classes played through the large tv monitor to increase variety in the types of fitness exercises that can be practiced inside the DFR.   


Fitness on Demand offers a variety of classes, which one do you think will be well-received by Polo Fit Members and why?

High intensity interval training (HIIT) exercises as well abdominal exercise programs and Yoga. Caloric burn thru aerobic routines as well as the toning of core muscles and stretching are always popular for the users of the application.


Jane Fonda aerobic tapes were a hit in the 80’s, this trend made a comeback during the pandemic with the emergence of digital fitness classes at home. What do you think will be a huge come on for Members to step out of their homes to try FOD in Polo Fit?

Although virtual classes can be done at home, there is nothing like doing it inside an exercise studio. These studios were specially built for working out, complete with mirrors that aid in form correction, cool ventilation. Not to mention, Members will be able to step out onto the main exercise floor, and go on to the next round of their routine using free weights and machines. 



What made you opt for digital courses instead of hosting actual classes with live teachers / trainers?

Safety is really the main concern, the room is not very big, and like most gyms, natural ventilation is very limited. The gym committee viewed that the old way the room was used was not the proper path moving forward. Polofit only allows one person at a time or members that belong in the same household for the DFR.

What do you hope for Polo Fit members to take away from this fitness innovation inside the gym?

In 2021, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) thru Secretary Ramon Lopez declared that fitness studios are part of the essentials sector as exercise aids in boosting the immunity through exercise, especially as we are in the fight against Covid-19.


We in the Club invite all members to avail of the PoloFit facilities as we are encouraging all members to work towards back to good health especially after being on restricted access several times from movement outside our homes during the last two years. It is in this regard that The Board offered both complimentary vouchers as well as preferred rates for gym usage. The club puts great weight in assisting all members in achieving the best physical condition they can hope to accomplish.

So stretch out those limbs, put on your best workout clothes and jump into a pair of comfortable shoes because PoloFit is ready for you! We can’t wait to see you bust it out in our Digital Fitness Room, and challenge yourself to an intense workout anytime you want in your favorite safe space.

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