1.1. Chits – Cash will not be accepted in any department of the Club except the office of the cashier. Members, their dependents, and accredited guests will sign the chits and/or credit card forms for service.

1.2. Tipping – Tipping to Club employees is not allowed. 

1.3. Damages – Members and their dependents, guests or visitors shall not deface or destroy any property of the Club. They may be charged up to double the replacement value of any property broken or damaged.

1.4. Club Property – Under no circumstances shall anyone remove Club property from the premises without the permission of the Management, and the approval of the House Directorate.

1.5. Pets – Dogs and other pets are not allowed in the Club premises.

1.6. Music – Radios, transistors, tape recorders, CD’s, etc. shall not be played in the Club except for approved functions.

1.7. Operation of Motor Vehicles – Only persons over the age of 18, holding a valid driver’s license may operate an automobile or motorcycle within the Club property.

1.8. Bicycles – Bicycles for adults may not be ridden within the Club premises except on regular roads. Regular roads refers to the driveway and other roads leading to the tennis courts and parking lots. Small bicycles for tots may be used in the children’s playground.

1.9.  Skates Roller skates or skateboards shall not be permitted inside the Club premises.

1.10.Bringing in Food – In no instance, food shall be allowed to be brought into the Club Premises, except for functions/parties reserved through the F&B Office, in which case a corkage charge may be imposed.

1.11 Restricted Areas for Eating – Food or drinks of any kind shall not be served or consumed in the Club lobbies, library, barber shop, beauty parlor, dressing rooms and in such other places that may be so restricted by the House Directorate.

1.12 Car Stickers – Members shall be provided with car stickers for automobiles belonging to him/her, upon filing of photocopies of the corresponding car registrations with the Office of the General Manager. Company cars can be issued car stickers provided that a certification from the company concerned is received by the Club to the effect said car has been assigned for the exclusive use of the member requesting the sticker.

     1.12.1. Cars without MPC stickers will be stopped at the guardhouse and the occupant’s driver will be asked to register in the visitor’s book.

    1.12.2. Members are required to remove MPC stickers should they sell or otherwise dispose of their cars, and notify the Club Manager accordingly.

1.13. Parking – Members with MPC car sticker may park in the member’s parking area. However, non-members are not allowed to park near the Upper Tennis courts but driver driven vehicles may park in designated areas.

1.14. Mufflers – all vehicles without noise con- trolling mufflers will not be allowed within the Club premises.

1.15. Identification – members, dependents and guests must show their membership/ guest cards to identify themselves to the Club’s employees when requested to do so.

1.16. Waiver – the Club assumes no responsibility for the safety of persons using the Club or for property belonging to members, dependents, guests or visitors, but will exercise all possible care in preventing loss of personal property if deposited in such place and manner as may be specified by the management.

Members and their dependents, guests, visitors, and honorary members shall be asked to sign a waiver releasing and discharging the Club and its representatives from any and all liabilities arising out of participation in the activities organized, sponsored or managed by the Club or the use of any of the Club’s facilities, grounds or equipment. Failure of each of the per- sons mentioned to execute a waiver shall make the member/sponsor liable to the Club for reimbursement of all legal expenses and costs that may be incurred in defending itself from any claim covered.

1.17. Loan sharking – Loan sharking between MPC members and MPC employees within the Club premises is strictly prohibited.

1.18. Smoking – Smoking is prohibited in accordance with the Makati Ordinance, except in designated areas.

1.19. Gambling – gambling is prohibited in the Club premises.

1.20. Weapons/Carrying of Firearms – the carrying of firearms within the Club premises is limited to the Club Security Officers in uniform, Security Guards accompanying the President of the Philippines, and those persons authorized by the Board of Directors. Carrying of firearms or deadly weapons by members is a serious violation of MPC House Rules and Regulations, which may lead to suspension or expulsion from membership.

1.21. Diaper Changing – Suitable facilities for diaper changing are provided for by the Club, and only in such places should diaper changing be done.

1.22. Breast-feeding – Members and spouses are enjoined to use discretion in terms of breast-feeding.

1.23. Drugs All drugs prohibited by law are not allowed in the Club premises (as defined by Dangerous Board Act).

1.24. Restrictions of Member’s Employees – Employees of members shall abide by the Club’s rules and regulations and any other policies or directives that are im- posed by the Board of Directors.

1.25. Lost and Found

      1.25.1. Lost Articles – Owners of lost articles should immediately report the loss to the Office of the General Manager, giving all the necessary specifications of the items.

The notice of loss shall be posted immediately at the lost and found bulletin board.

  •  The lost item should be correctly identified by any claimant.

  •  Upon claiming the lost item, the owner will have to sign an acknowledgement receipt at the Office of the General Manager.

    Members, guests or dependents

    are requested to immediately report and surrender found articles to the Office of the General Manager. An acknowledgement receipt will be issued to the finder, indicating the article/s surrendered. 

  • 1.25.2. Found Articles – The Manila Polo Club personnel shall turn over found articles to their immediate supervisor who in turn will submit the item to the Office of the General Manager. An acknowledgement receipt will be issued, indicating the article/s submitted. Announcement of the found article will be posted on the lost and found bulletin board located near the Club official announcement board beside the Accommodation Shop. The announcement will indicate only the kind of article found without stating detailed specification. Duration of the posting will not be more than sixty (60) days.


1.26. Posting Announcements
       1.26.1. No notices will be allowed to be placed directly on walls, within the Club premises. Announcements will only be posted on the official announcement board located beside the Accommodation Shop near the Sports Lounge.

       1.26.2. Size of notices should not be more than 22″ wide and 26″ long.

       1.26.3. No unauthorized commercial advertisements will be posted.

       1.26.4. All unauthorized materials posted will be removed.

      1.26.5. All notices which may be of interest to Club members must be submitted to the Club Manager for approval before posting.


1.27. General Regulations regarding Minors 

1.27.1. MINOR – a minor is any person who is below 18 years of age.

1.27.2. PARENTS RESPONSIBILITY – Parents are responsible at all times for the good conduct of their children within the Club premises.

1.27.3. TOTS – Children under seven (7) years of age are not allowed in the Club unless accompanied by a member, or the spouse of the member, or by a nurse-maid.

1.27.4. SPECIAL FUNCTIONS – During post-polo game tea, dances, or other Club functions, tots must be seated at the table of their parents or host.

1.27.5. RESERVATIONS – The Club will accept reservations for minor dependents provided that the member or spouse makes the reservation and will be in attendance during the function, and be fully responsible for the activities of their dependents and their guests.

1.27.6. RESTRICTION ON MINORS – there will be no sale of cigarettes, tobacco products, or alcoholic drinks of any kind to minors.


2. Rules on the Use of Food and Beverage Facilities

2.1. Definition of the Club’s Food and Beverage Services area

       A. Club Food and Beverage facilities and function rooms

The following are the Club’s food and beverage facilities and outlets:

a. Willow Root Restaurant

b. Willow Root Bar

c. Sports Lounge
d. Soda Bar

e. Sports Cafe
f. Cogon Villlage and Cabañas

g. Cameron Forbes Room
h.William McKinley Rooms A, B, and C

i. Trophy Room
j. Committee Room

k. Presidents Room

l. Saddle Room

m. Main Lounge

n. East and West Lounges

n. Turf Room
o. Children’s Playground
p. Last Chukker Restaurant

q. All Sports Outlets

  1. Members, spouses, and guest/s may avail of the food and beverage services, facilities and function rooms upon presentation of the membership card. Visitors must, however, be registered and accompanied by a member at these facilities and function rooms.

  2. Dependents will be guided by Rules and Regulations regarding the use and/or limitation of use of any food and beverage facilities and function rooms.

  3. Use of the Club’s food and beverage facilities and function rooms for special occasions such as wedding receptions, social club meetings, press conferences, etc. are to be made only in the name of the member. Press conferences are to be restricted only to function rooms.

  4. Drivers, bodyguards, security personnel, sports pro/trainers, and ball boys are not allowed in any of the food and beverage facilities and outlets.

2.2. Use of the Club’s Food and Beverage Services

       A. Members, spouses, dependents, and guests shall not be served at any food and beverage outlets or allowed to use facilities, unless he/ she presents the membership/ guest card to the waiter or sports attendant. In case the membership/ guest card is not available, the member or dependent must first obtain a temporary card before any service is initiated.

       B. Functions may be sponsored by any member provided he/she is present during said function and settles all expenses incurred as a result thereof. Members with delinquent accounts are not allowed to use any function rooms/area.

      C. No food and beverage of any kind, except bottled or dispensed water, will be served inside the playing area of any sports facilities.

2.3. Dress Code for Cameron Forbes Room and Willow Root Room – no athletic shorts and slippers. For male members, dependents, guests, and visitors, no sleeveless shirts shall be allowed.


3.1.  “No membership cards, no service” applies to all facilities.

3.2.  Dependents, except spouses, may not bring guests/visitors.

3.3.  Hours of operation will be designated by the respective Committees.

3.4. All members must observe published operation hours.

3.5.  Limitation of play will be designated by each Sports Committee, and such guide- lines shall be posted.

3.6.  All visitors must sign in designated logbooks.

        3.6.1. All guest/visitor fees will be charged to member’s account.

3.7. All members and guests must sign-in to establish playing priority.

3.8. Membership status determines priority – Proprietary Member/spouse, Associate Member/ spouse, Dependent, Guest and Visitor.

3.9.  Designated facilities determine privilege for facility usage – for example, designated tennis courts are for dependents and guests, others for training during specific hours of the day. “Prime time” excluded.

3.10. Where there is no sign-in, or log or attendant station – the honor system will prevail – for example, in Pelota, Bull Ring, Softball/Baseball, Stables and Swimming.

3.11. The Sports and Games Committee will determine “Reservation Procedures” to be approved by the Sports and Games Committee.

3.12. Respective Sports Committees will designate appropriate attire.

3.13. Only proper equipment must be used to avoid accidents or injury (for instance, riding boots when riding a horse, tennis sneakers for courts, etc.).

3.14. Sportsmanship and courtesy must be observed at all times.

3.15. Proper etiquette and conduct must be observed and violations will be reported by the Coordinator to the respective Committee.

3.16. Rates and fees will be determined by the respective Sports Committee and approved by the Board of Directors.

3.17. Use of facility must be on “first-come, first-served” basis (following the estab- lished priority at item 3.8).

3.18. Incident logs will be maintained for any disputes – members, dependents, guests or visitors.

3.19. Employees of members, guests or visitors cannot use Club non-designated facilities (for instance, yaya in pool or court).

3.20. Rating or classification of any trainer or any instructor for any Sport must be approved by the respective Committee and submitted to the Board for approval.

3.21. Fees for Trainers, Instructors or Professional charges must be approved by the Board.


4.1. All guests and accompanied visitors must register at the counter. Unaccompanied visitors must use other comfort rooms of the Club.

4.2. Amenities are available upon request from our attendants.

4.3.  Small Children – Boys and girls over 4 years of age are not allowed in the La- dies’ and Men’s Locker Rooms. Children attended by “yayas” must use the boys or girls changing rooms. The Club has separate changing rooms for boys as well as for girls over 4 years of age.

4.4.  Domestic Employees of Members are not allowed in any of the locker rooms unless they accompany the member due to the employer’s infirmity.

4.5.  Decorum – Quiet and proper decorum should be observed in the locker rooms at all times. Children particularly are reminded that disorderly conduct will not be tolerated.

4.6.  Food and beverage may not be served, or taken into the locker rooms, at any time.

4.7. Lockers may be rented on a daily, monthly, or annual basis. Rental rates will be determined by the House Directorate. Only members and their spouses are allowed to rent lockers. Dependents’ lockers are available upon authorization of parents.

4.8.  Club Towels – Towels are available for rent. Replacement cost is charged for failure to return rented towels to the attendants.

4.9.  Valuables – should be deposited for safe- keeping, with the attendant who will exercise all possible diligence in safeguard- ing them.

4.10. Personal items – All personal items should be kept inside the locker and should not be left hanging outside or on top of the lockers, overnight.

4.11. Photographic equipment – Use of any form of photographic equipment within the locker room is not permitted.

5. Payments – The member shall be billed at the end of each month. The By-Laws provide that each member has thirty (30) days from the end of the month in which a bill was incurred to pay his account and shall be billed as soon as possible after the end of each month. The 3% per month surcharge for unpaid accounts shall be applied on accounts due after the 30-day period.

As provided in the By-Laws, the membership certificate of a proprietary member on the delinquent list for more than 60 days may be sold by the Club at a public auction after due notice to the member to satisfy the claim. Members must notify the Club Manager of any change of address. 

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