Celebrating Cherished Moments, Strengthening Family Ties

18 June 2021

Life may have slowed down a bit for German expatriate and longtime Philippine resident  Ingrid von Ebbe, thanks to the pandemic, and she has not been able to come to the Club as much as she would like.  For 40 years, the Club has been the scene of many wonderful memories for her and her family, and now she is set to become a Proprietary Member in her own right, after enjoying spousal membership for decades.  As soon as she gets the vaccine, and things begin to normalize, she promises to be back at her second home!


You and your family have been members of the Club for 40 years. What are your fondest memories of the Club?

Oh, there are many. I have so many memories with the children and also with family and friends. We always have visitors from abroad, and we would bring them to  the Club because it offers so many choices for our family and friends.

When my children moved to different parts of the globe, my husband and I would visit the Club to enjoy everything in Polo. The moment we arrive at the Lobby,  we are greeted by the Security or the doormen, like Tom, Dingdong, Patrick, Arnel or Rey, who would joke a lot with Mr. Von Ebbe or me. Everyone is so friendly.

I admire the Management and all the staff for maintaining the Club despite the pandemic. Nobody complained, everyone continued working and serving the members. Despite not being able to visit the Club as often as I’d like to, I am updated by the emails that I get.


With Dr. and Mrs. Horst-Ruediger Hupe from Germany at the Cogon Village
At Nanten with some friends — Drs Thelma and Fred Leelin, Capt Ben and Mrs Estela Narciso — and our son Jens

What sport/s did you and your family love playing back then?

We were active in tennis before and of course, we love swimming. And eventually, when we got older, we would visit the Library and enjoy all the books and magazines we have there. Sometimes, I would go to the Nursery to see the plants and admire the flowers.

And then of course, the many eating places that the Club offers are all good. We spent a lot of time there entertaining friends and family, especially balikbayans.

What Polo Club events did you look forward to attending before?

We always look forward to the Pre-Christmas cocktails. We also used to go to the bazaars when they were still allowed at the Club. On Sundays, we attend the mass at the Club

Looking back, the Club really is a special place for us because it was where we celebrated the wedding of one of our sons! It was a wonderful celebration with friends from Metro Manila.


Celebrating the marriage of our son Nelson to Christina in September 1988 at the Main Lounge
With Father Ewald Dinter, SVD from Mindoro
The newlyweds during the ceremonial dove release symbolising harmony and peace
Son Otman with grandson Vincent during their visit to Manila in 2013

How are your children and where are they based now?

Oh, they are all scattered all over the world! One is in the US, working for a German company and travels at least three times to Germany before the pandemic. My daughter is in Italy and my two sons are based in Germany, who work for US firms. They’re all doing good.

Before the pandemic, two of our sons would visit from abroad with their families. We would all meet up and spend quality time together.

How many grandchildren do you have? Have you met all of them?

I have eight grandchildren and one great-granddaughter. Yes, I have seen all of them.

I remember, my US-based son asked for my help back then. He asked me to come to visit and help them out because he had a new job and my daughter-in-law was pregnant with their third child. I hesitated because I didn’t want to leave my husband in Manila but he was understanding and convinced me to go and see them.

Nels and I used to travel for business to Germany. It’s difficult to combine business and private matters on such a short trip, but my children who are based there would always come see us and would even join our business meetings. We keep in touch via WhatsApp and Messenger. We get to enjoy calls for free as long as we have good internet connection. I also have a Facebook account but I am not active there like some of my friends.

What do you miss about the old Polo Club?

The Club has always been home to us. It changes, it evolves, and that’s how it is. Despite all the changes and improvements, it still feels like home. I love that it’s a clean, quiet, and secure place for us, the members. Everybody is friendly and makes you feel right at home. I miss being able to visit the Club without worrying about the virus.

I last visited the Club in March and settled my dues in advance. It’s good to learn that the validity of our consumable credits is extended until the end of this year. For now, I can have someone pick up something from Manila’s Best or Saddle Brown. It’s also good to know that we have a Lobby Gift Shop and that it’s already open.

What’s keeping you busy or occupied these days, especially now that movements are restricted because of the pandemic?

Being alone, keeping the house neat and organized is a challenge but it keeps me busy. I had stay-out help, who used to help clean the floors and the house, and maintain the garden. But now, I’m advised not to let other people in. So now I keep myself busy around the house.

My neighbor friends, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Cuenca, come often to see me, and my two friends who work in our company come to me for business matters. They’re all wonderful people, and I am blessed for having such good friends.

The minute I get vaccinated, I will go to the Club!  

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