Building the Winning MPC Easter Wonderland: An MPC x Minecraft Easter Celebration

4 April 2021

Imagine a world without borders, and then build it exactly the way you want to. Minecraft makes it all possible and you bet we got the most creative builds, based on the theme, “Build an MPC Easter Wonderland”.

We challenged Dependents and their friends to reimagine an alternate MPC Easter Wonderland where Members and Dependents alike can explore virtually. In the end, we got 39 entries from our creative teams. A total of 94 players participated in this year’s Easter challenge — a surprising turnout for an event that was announced barely two weeks before Easter Sunday, 4 April.

After their creations were reviewed by our esteemed judges — Dir Margo Flores, IT Committee Chairperson, GM Noel Barrameda, and Mr Ditrie Villacorta — we arrived at the following top three tournament winners, plus three more teams who received special prizes:


Champion: BigBrainBuilds (Franco Wee, Ferdinand Wee and Hart Baking)
First Runer-Up: Building Buddies (Miguel Rodrigo Tan, Basti Tan and Garret Hans Yu)
Second Runner-Up: villalonlies (Tea Villalon, Gusto Villalon and Ada Villalon)

Special Prize Winners (in no particular order)
Team Oofers (Katerina del Rosario, Melissa Hidalgo and Bella Lacay)
Hermanas Gemelas (Victor Vital, Maddie Vital and Bella Tantoco)
ChimkenNuggies25 (Anya Danielle Albano and Andres Jose Albano)

On Easter Sunday, over 100 kids explored the MPC Easter Wonderland for our virtual egg hunt. Hundreds of eggs were scattered around the virtual wonderland built on Mimecraft, and the kids were given less than 30 minutes to collect as many colourful eggs as they can to earn points, and to look for the golden egg for special prizes. We divided the egg hunt into three heats for our 4-6, 7-9 and 10-12 eggsplorers.

Winners took home cash prizes from the Club plus gift checks and gift packs from our sponsors: Pascual Laboratories, Ascof Lagundi, Poten-Cee, Crate & Barrel, Cool Taste, Nagaraya, Perfetti Van Melle (maker of Chupa Chups and Mentos), Tiny Things, Tiny Buds and The Last Chukker. All tournament players and virtual egg hunt participants are also entitled to claim their free Easter loot bags from the Membership Office, courtesy of our sponsors.

Build Tournament Winners

1st Place — BigBrainBuilds
1st Runner Up — Building Buddies
2nd Runner Up — villanlonlies

Special Prizes

Team Oofers
Hermanas Gemelas

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