A Growing Family: The Newest Faces of MPC

4 May 2022


As our family here at the Club continues to grow with the addition of new staff, we want to make sure that everyone feels welcome and at home to be able to foster a supportive work environment. Therefore, we would like you to meet the newest members of the team: Christian Boca, Aya Pornel, Irah Arcilla, Francis Santos, and Jonas Espinoza. Get to know a little bit more about our freshest faces in case you run into them one of these days!

Christian Boca
Internal Audit Supervisor


Providing objective evaluations of the company’s financial and operational activities might seem like tedious, but Christian, who graduated with a degree in Accountancy, loves to keep a positive outlook. He keeps himself motivated by taking each day as a new chance to learn new things and appreciating the family-like atmosphere with his MPC colleagues too. 


What’s your biggest takeaway from your past jobs that will help you with Manila Polo Club?

The most important thing I have learned in my past jobs is that empathy goes a long way. If you have empathy and you have people around you who empathize with you, you will always be able to understand each other. And with understanding, you will always be able to come to a unified conclusion, and resolve problems the peaceful way. 


What’s your idea of a perfect day at work?

Because my job entails me to be very precise and accurate, I would define a perfect day at work to have accomplished everything that I had set for myself in the beginning. Knowing that I had worked hard and met all my deadlines is indeed very rewarding! 


What are your hobbies and interests? Tell us more about it.

There’s nothing quite like the great outdoors! If you invite me to go on a hike or a trek, I will definitely be in. Other interests would definitely include watching movies or listening to old music, such as songs by The Carpenters, Kenny Rogers, Lionel Richie, Atlantic Starr, among others. I also love to sing, but do not ask me to give you a sample! I can’t say I am the best at it. 

Christian Boca, Internal Audit Supervisor

Words YOU live by – and how you apply it to your life.

“Do at least one thing every day that scares you”. Though everyday is a challenge, you must have the courage to do things out of your comfort zone. It is only then you will be able to see all the opportunities this big world has for you. The biggest mistake is being afraid to make one.

Aya Pornel, Communications and Club Events Officer

Aya Pornel

While the Club has been rolling out more events now that a sense of normalcy has finally unfolded, MPC is very fortunate to have Aya Pornel take a seat in the Communications and Club Events Department. As a Communications graduate and an experienced media and marketing professional, she is in charge of assisting in all event executions here at MPC. 

What’s your idea of a perfect day at work? 

I think a perfect day at work would mean being able to finish tasks on time. I know I had a good day when I don’t need to go overtime. 

If you can go back in time and meet a famous person who has passed on, who would it be and why? 

If I could go back in time, I would like to meet Kobe Bryant because is a basketball legend. He was the reason why I played basketball during my school days. It would be the greatest pleasure to be mentored by the Black Mamba himself. 

What’s your biggest takeaway from your past jobs that will help you with Manila Polo Club? 

Not like most people, I actually had a lot of experience being a one-woman team. Being able to plan and deliver tasks on my own served as the perfect training ground to produce quality and efficient work. I am sure that when we have big events or projects in the pipeline, the Club will need someone who is used to creative execution and last minute changes. 

What are your interests? Tell us more about it. 

When I am not working, you can usually find me watching movies, going on road trips, or traveling. This is not a very common interest, but I am also a fan of motorcycles! 


Do you like traveling? Where’s the best place you have been and would like to visit again after the pandemic?

I love to  travel! In fact, my favorite place is Baler. I’ve been to South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, Davao, and other nearby provinces. When I get the chance again though, I would like to visit South Korea – it’s at the top of my list!


Words YOU live by – and how you apply it to your life. 

“Go for gold.” I believe that as long as I do my best and work hard, I will be able  to achieve my goals and dreams in life. 

Francis Santos

Having a Bachelor’s Degree in Accountancy and previous work experience as a purchasing consultant, Francis Santos found his way into a Purchasing Manager position here at MPC. His knowledge and expertise in the field makes him very efficient in carrying out his tasks that are fundamental to the Club’s operations such as: evaluating suppliers, negotiating contracts, and reviewing product quality.



What motivates you to get up and go to work every day? 

Among other things, my children serve as my biggest inspiration to work hard and give them a good future. 


What’s your idea of a perfect day at work? 

I believe a perfect day at work would end knowing that I accomplished what I was tasked to do and go beyond my expectations. 


What’s an exciting part of your job that you look forward to everyday? 

After being stuck at home over the course of the pandemic, I would say that the most exciting part about working on site is being able meeting new people – colleagues and Members!


What’s your biggest takeaway from your past jobs that will help you with Manila Polo Club? 

In my line of work, life can get kind of monotonous and repetitive. My past experience really taught me to work with a lot of patience and passion – finding ways to make a job fun, rather than getting bored and frustrated. 

Francis Santos, Purchasing Manager

Words YOU live by – and how you apply it to your life. 

Live your life to the fullest.  Never duel or blame yourself. There’s always good reasons behind every bad thing that you have done in the past.

Irah Arcilla, Sports Coordinator

Irah Arcilla

We all know that sports is a huge part of our Club experience. It is only timely that we welcome Irah Arcilla to facilitate all athletic-related activities as we head back into the new normal. Graduating with a Travel and Tourism background and having experience in the F&B department of the Club as an intern, Irah is keen to contribute further to MPC, making sure that our sports programs are organized and rolled out in a timely manner. 



If you can go back in time and meet a famous person who has passed on, who would it be and why? 

If I could go back in time and meet someone famous, it would be Miriam Palma-Defensor Santiago. She is one of the female senators that I looked up to when she was still in office. She was not just a senator, but she is also a Law professor in UP, a judge of the International Criminal Court and also an author. She was truly a woman that possessed fearlessness, intelligence and passion. One day, I hope to be exactly like her. 


What’s an exciting part of your job that you look forward to everyday? 

The most exciting part of my job is that I get to learn something new everyday! The fact that I am able to meet our existing Members and new Members motivates me to give them best service through my role here at MPC. 


Name something that makes you proud

It makes me proud that I got a chance to work in the United States of America. It was through my jobs there that I was able to gain the knowledge and experience I use in my job now, and will use in my career moving forward. I am also grateful for the memories I made  with friends who have different cultures! 


Words YOU live by – and how you apply it to your life

Live life to the fullest with kindness and respect for everyone. I believe this is a strong mantra to live by  because everything in this world is temporary. This reminds me to enjoy our lives with our loved ones, and to always be thankful to our God even for the little things. 

Jonas Espinoza

No one ever thought a Computer Engineering major would turn out to have a burning passion for the art of graphic design. Pangasinan local, Jonas Espinoza joined the Manila Polo Club as a Graphics and Design Specialist to add his creative flair to the Communications and Club Events team’s many multimedia arts output.

What motivates you to get up and go to work every day?

My family back in Dagupan is my primary motivation to work. I try my best to work hard everyday to be able to give back to them for supporting me from the very beginning. Another motivation would be that every morning when I wake up, I know that I will have another day of living out my passion for design. This truly makes my work more effective. 


If you can go back in time and meet with a famous person who has passed on, who would it be and why?

 If I were to go back in time, I would like to meet Steve Jobs. I would ask him about how he co-founded Apple and NeXT and about his experience working with Pixar. I would like also to learn how he was able to innovate in the fields of computer graphics and animation.  

What’s your biggest takeaway from your past jobs that will help you with Manila Polo Club?

I would say that the most significant takeaway from my past jobs is to be open to accepting challenges, even when it scares me sometimes. I believe that facing challenges and dealing with difficulties head-on is the only way for me to learn, grow, and succeed.

Jonas Espinoza, Graphics and Design Specialist

Words YOU live by – and how you apply it to your life.

I always keep two words in mind and heart: Kindness and Integrity. I try to be kind to all sorts of people by thinking kind thoughts about them, speaking kindly of and to them, and doing kind acts, however small, for them. I believe integrity is very important because it is in trusting relationships that we grow personally, are able to help one another, and enable us to achieve communal goals.

Truly, there is so much more to learn about the newest members of our team. You will be seeing a lot of them soon, so should you run into any of them, don’t hesitate to strike a casual conversation or even flash your warmest smile. The simplest “Hello” would surely spark up their day in an instant. 

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