Powering through the Pandemic

Powering through the Pandemic
When time stood still during the pandemic, we made it our goal at the Club to make the most out of it. The Board and Management saw the quiet spell as an opportunity to proceed with various repair and maintenance works to improve our Club facilities, uphold safety and efficiency standards and drive sustainability efforts.

As we gear up to usher in 2022, our Board of Directors and Management are proud to share our completed projects and in-progress upgrades for Members to appreciate and enjoy.

A much needed facelift and service innovation

Incorporating safety, efficiency, and aesthetic enhancement in one goal, Manila Polo Club stands true to its commitment to guarantee a secure and comfortable space for Members, as well as to ensure that all systems and facilities are performing in the best possible manner. Apart from the structural upgrades needed, the Club also opted to use this time to revamp its facilities to provide Members a refreshed setting for memorable moments within the property.

This year allowed for the following refurbishments:

The Club took on a number of essential upgrades – one of which is the complete overhaul of the 50-meter pool featuring a monolithic shape and an impressive new look by its completion in January 2022. Other renovations done include the full reroofing of the Driving Range and the Sports Lounge, while vital repairs and repaint jobs were carried out on the roofs of the Upper and Middle Tennis Courts as well as the Main Clubhouse, giving the buildings a refreshed appearance.

An electrical rehabilitation was also completed to address safety issues and efficiency gains across the electrical system of the Club. Speaking of safety, overgrown trees are trimmed and maintained to prevent injuries and damage during stormy and windy seasons. Meanwhile, the Badminton Court’s retrofitting also reached completion this year, as well as the asphalt overlay for major roads within the property.

This year also allowed for progress and innovations from the MIS department. The internally-developed upgrade of the Polo Pass provided an easy and effective way to conduct contact tracing measures inside the Club, making it convenient for both Members and the management. A new WiFi antenna was also purchased and installed this year to replace the old one, further boosting the connectivity within the Club. A series of online request and reservation forms were also developed and implemented for our Members’ convenience. Similarly, the new automated systems in place in Accounting, Human Resources, General Services and Membership Affairs not only increase productivity, but also improve efficiency for Member transactions.

Painting the town green
And by green, we mean the Club made the following developments to push forward its goals in protecting the environment, and contributing to the global sustainability movement:

The Primary Metering and Retail Energy Supply is a project that started in 2019 with the consolidation of various meters into a primary meter which allowed the Club to purchase power in the open-access electricity market. On June 2021, we entered into a two-year contract with First Gen for the supply of 550 kilowatts of geothermally sourced energy for two years. The use of clean and renewable energy within the property assures that Members can enjoy the facilities with very little carbon footprint left behind. With this in place, a monthly savings of about ₱300,000 is expected, with a return on investment achieved in less than two years.

Purchasing our own multi-purpose shredding machine allows the Club to effectively manage and lessen yard waste sent to the landfills. The compost pits that receive the shredded yard waste has also been increased from 9 to 11, further improving its previous composting capacity.

At 150 cubic meters – and further plans to expand gradually over the year — our Materials Recovery Facility is now operating at full capacity. The efficient segregation of rubbish minimizes landfill-disposed garbage, while the sale of recyclable materials is expected to generate additional revenue for the Club. 

We are also participating in other waste management campaigns such as the reduction of single-use plastics within the property, as well as joining recycling initiatives together with Barangay Forbes Park to encourage sustainable practices, and to divert waste from the landfills.

GDR re-roofing project
GDR re-roofing project
Our electrical system was upgraded to address the safety issues and improve its efficiency
Our electrical system was upgraded to address the safety issues and improve its efficiency
The Club's community composting efforts were a great help in lessening the Club's yard waste
The Club’s community composting efforts were a great help in lessening the Club’s yard waste
Re-roofing of the old and dilapidated roofs of Sports Lounge
Re-roofing of the old and dilapidated roofs of Sports Lounge
The Club goes green with geothermally sourced power, courtesy of First Gen Corp.
The Club goes green with geothermally sourced power, courtesy of First Gen Corp.
Club-wide tree pruning was done to ensure safety and security, especially during the typhoon season
Club-wide tree pruning was done to ensure safety and security, especially during the typhoon season
Fresh new look for the Club's roadways thanks to the asphalting done recently
Fresh new look for the Club’s roadways thanks to the asphalting done recently
The Polo Pass, the Club's in-house developed contact tracing system compliant with the IATF guidelines
The Polo Pass, the Club’s in-house developed contact tracing system compliant with the IATF guidelines
ZipHR has been rolled-out to automate all HR processes for better efficiency
ZipHR has been rolled-out to automate all HR processes for better efficiency


Ongoing and upcoming projects

In addition to the long list of our completed projects this year, the Club maintains its momentum with other refurbishments currently ongoing, or lined-up for 2022:

Expected to be finished within the next month are the kitchen renovations, which will bring our main kitchen up to standard as mechanical, lighting, plumbing and other issues are addressed.

The Small Arena will undergo an expansion to improve the safety and convenience of our riders and horses.

The Club is also working on its business continuity plan by acquiring an additional service provider as backup internet in the event that the primary servers are down.


Future plans

In 2022, apart from the scheduled construction of the new Jogging Track and East Field drainage system after the Polo & Equestrian Season, the pump room of the 25m pool is also slated for rehabilitation.

Plans are also underway for the development of the tennis courts and other sports facilities on the west side of the Club.

What a difference a year makes! With the progress it has made despite the pandemic’s restrictions, Manila Polo Club is more driven and eager to power through with other exciting projects all the way to 2022 and beyond.

In the meantime, the Club’s doors remain open to delightfully welcome back Members into their newly revitalized second home.

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