Luis “Louie” Campos, Jr: A Man of Service

10 August 2021


His involvement with Club committees began in 1983, and Luis “Louie” Campos, Jr intends to support the Club and its committees for as long as he can be of service.  He first ran for Director and was elected to the Board in 1993, and subsequently served three separate terms. A Proprietary Member for 47 years now, MPC has always been a part of his life, from childhood to his golden years, and his memories of the Club are priceless.  


What is your typical day like?
Since the pandemic, my days are filled with quality time with my wife and children at home. I have maintained safety precautions because I value my family. I have children and grandchildren in Foster City, USA, and Korea, who I have not been able to be with since the lockdown. My goal is to see this through and be reunited with them all soon.

My day includes exercise. My daily regime begins with stretching, followed by brisk walking and then I work out with my sons in our home gym in the afternoon.

How was it like to be handling security for the aviation industry?
My company, Aviation Operations and Management Specialists, Inc. (AVOMSI), began in 2007 with Etihad and Qatar Airlines. We reached a peak of servicing 18 airlines prior to the pandemic. We provide administrative and support services to these airlines. This number has now gone down but we are hopeful to resume operations with them one day soon.

The service industry is very challenging as there are many factors to providing security to various aircraft, from the personnel, the check-in area of both passengers and luggage bags, up until boarding. The upside of this business is knowing we are helping the aviation industry thrive with integrity and safety. Knowing we can do our part to uplift the Philippines’ credibility as a safe destination is my ultimate satisfaction.

Please tell us more about the much-loved Kookie Monster cakeshop.
Kookie Monster began over 40 years ago, conceptualized by family and friends to bring home-baked recipes to everyone. My favourite part of the business was working with my mom, seeing her enjoy as she brought in more to our menu by sharing her homecooked meals and recipes for everyone to enjoy. Kookie Monster was on the ground floor of our family building beside the Makati Medical Center, which then became one of our major clients.

A fond memory of mine during my airport days was seeing Kookie Monster cake boxes being carried off on flights to the US, Singapore, Hong Kong, and other international destinations! Locally, we expanded and established branches in Alabang and Greenhills due to the growing demand. Eventually, we sold the business to a wonderful family, who are also members of the Club, and who share the same values such as ours in serving the best to the public.

“As for the Members, we are in this together, to raise the Club by maintaining our integrity, family values and standards. May we be good citizens and stewards of what we have been blessed with.”

Airport staff Christmas party, 1998
Airport staff Christmas party, 1998
Airport staff Christmas party, 1998
Airport staff Christmas party, 1998
Lufthansa Technic Singapore visit, 1999
Lufthansa Technic Singapore visit, 1999
Inauguration of Terminal 2 with Aeroport de Paris representative, 1998
Inauguration of Terminal 2 with Aeroport de Paris representative, 1998
Visiting French Air Force pilots for the Aerial Exhibition tour in Singapore, 1999
Visiting French Air Force pilots for the Aerial Exhibition tour in Singapore, 1999
AVOMSI’s first client, Qatar Airways, early 2007
AVOMSI’s first client, Qatar Airways, early 2007
18th annual meeting, hosted by MIAA while I was Manager of Business Development and Concessions between July 1998-Feb 2001
18th annual meeting, hosted by MIAA while I was Manager of Business Development and Concessions between July 1998-Feb 2001
Swiss Air vintage plane tour featuring one of the three remaining oldest and still working propeller planes, 1999
Swiss Air vintage plane tour featuring one of the three remaining oldest and still working propeller planes, 1999


Frankfurt Airport visit pictured here with consultants for Terminal 3, 1999
Frankfurt Airport visit pictured here with consultants for Terminal 3, 1999


What do you miss doing with your family right before the pandemic hit?
Fortunately, we were blessed to have a wonderful trip to Korea in January 2020, to celebrate the wedding of our daughter. Soon after, lockdown was declared in March and travel is no longer possible for us. So, we remain thankful for whatever blessings we have been given.

What is keeping you busy these days?
First, staying fit and keeping safe. Second, helping communities and hospitals in need in our own way. Third, learning online banking and watching Netflix, Plex TV, YouTube Features with the family, and staying in touch with family members, friends and former classmates via Zoom. We also have our daily rosary with our beloved Wack Wack community. Twice a month, I visit the Club to greet our hardworking employees and order food to take home from our favourite restaurant outlets. Once in a while, I go to the East Terrace for beer and enjoy the view.

When was the last time you visited your other home country, Spain? Are you planning a trip to Spain as soon as it’s safe again?
We last visited Madrid in October 2019, and spent three amazing weeks there. We look forward to safe travels in the future but our priority at this time is to be with family, so Korea and California will be priority destinations in the near and safe future.

Soapbox derby in Manila
Soapbox derby in Manila
My father Luis Campos with his brother Mike, also a Club member, with their cousins Jose and Thomas Francis (who is visiting from Hawaii)
My father Luis Campos with his brother Mike, also a Club member, with their cousins Jose and Thomas Francis (who is visiting from Hawaii)
My Father Luis with Jose Cuisia, Jack Carreon, all members of the Club with then GM
My Father Luis with Jose Cuisia, Jack Carreon, all members of the Club with then GM
Our Tennis group from the Club with Mother Teresa at the home for abandoned children, which we have been supporting for about 30 years now
Our Tennis group from the Club with Mother Teresa at the home for abandoned children, which we have been supporting for about 30 years now
La Salle group gathering at the Club
La Salle group gathering at the Club
Monthly  breakfast at Cameron Forbes with my La Salle group
Monthly breakfast at Cameron Forbes with my La Salle group
Monthly  breakfast at Cameron Forbes with my La Salle group
Monthly breakfast at Cameron Forbes with my La Salle group
At The Last Chukker, one of our favourite hangout venues before the lockdown, with my DLSU '57-'61 group
At The Last Chukker, one of our favourite hangout venues before the lockdown, with my DLSU ’57-’61 group
DLSU Batch '65 during one of our weekly meetings at The Last Chukker
DLSU Batch ’65 during one of our weekly meetings at The Last Chukker
Celebrating my 75th birthday with my tennis group at The Last Chukker
Celebrating my 75th birthday with my tennis group at The Last Chukker


Summers in Baguio
Summers in Baguio
Louie (top L) as a young La Sallian
Louie (top L) as a young La Sallian
Seeing off my best friend Philippe Lhuillier, our Philippine Ambassador to Spain,  hours before his departure back to posting at the height of this COVID-19 season
Seeing off my best friend Philippe Lhuillier, our Philippine Ambassador to Spain, hours before his departure back to posting at the height of this COVID-19 season
VP of MPC welcoming the VP of the Philippines Jojo Binay
VP of MPC welcoming the VP of the Philippines Jojo Binay



What are your fondest memories of the Club?
The ice cream parlor was one of my favorite hangouts growing up as a Club Dependent. My regular order would include the thick chocolate milkshake and the cheeseburger. The seats at the soda fountain were actual horse saddles; its location was where the Sports Café is now.

As I grew older in the Club, there was a bar area where the young kids would meet and chit chat. This was in the current Library. The swimming pool was a definite hit to go girl-watching. Years later, the tennis courts would be my home away from home. In addition to playing tennis, we would have regular meetups for liars’ dice and drinks at the Lower Courts area, which is where the Badminton Courts are now.

What other sports did you play as a young Dependent?
I became a Dependent at nine years old and became a Member myself at 30. As a young Dependent, I was a bowler and was also a member of the pelota team.

Before the pandemic, you used to host breakfast meetups at the Club with your La Salle group. What made you choose the Club over other venues out there?
I chose the Club because of the quality of the food, service, location and ambience.

How does it feel like being one of the longest serving Committee members of the Club?
I feel that the Club is my home away from home. I have enjoyed having so much under one roof. I feel humbled to be considered still to serve the Club, its Members, and staff. I find enjoyment and fulfillment as an active member of our community. Being active keeps my memories alive. I look forward to going to the Club always.

What made you decide and serve on the various Committees?
It makes me happy to know that I can be of help to the employees, that they know that they can be heard and recognized for all that they do for us. I serve so they may be heard, and this makes me happy. As for the Members, we are in this together, to raise the Club by maintaining our integrity, family values and standards. May we be good citizens and stewards of what we have been blessed with.

What policies were implemented during your time as Board/Committee member that you believe greatly benefitted the Club?
Strict implementation of the “No Bodyguards” rule inside Club premises. Members must be physically present to enjoy their membership privileges, no proxy use of membership. Proper reporting of misconduct toward Club staff and immediate incident response, investigation, and action.

Serving in the Membership Committee has been my primary constant presence in the Club. I enjoy seeing that the quality of applicants being considered will always be beneficial for the Club.

As part of the House Directorate, I have been blessed to take part in the strict implementation and enforcement of House Rules. Basically, to see that no one is above the same rules.

Serving in the Security Sub-Committee has enabled me to help in any way I can to ensure that proper training and physical wellness are provided to our security personnel/staff so that they can properly respond to emergencies that may arise in the Club. Also, I am very much concerned in the proper implementation of our rules on parking, pilferage, vehicle inspection, monitoring and ensuring the safety of our grounds, among others.

Louie Campos’ various Club activities as an active Committee member

What do you think is your legacy or greatest accomplishment when you were part of the Board of Directors?
The legacy of service, of helping when we can and when we are called to do so.

What can you tell our new Members about serving on the Board and/or Committees?
Serve others and share the gifts you have been given. Put your talents to good use for the MPC community.

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