Nominations are out for BOD 2021-2023

28 June 2021

Dear Fellow Member,

Greetings from your NOMELEC.

In accordance with the Club’s amended By-Laws, our  Annual General Membership Meeting (AGM) is scheduled to be held on the 4th Monday of August each year. This year, the AGM will be held on 23 August 2021.

The NOMELEC’s functions include screening of the nominations received from the general membership to ensure that all candidates standing for election are proprietary members in good standing and are not subject to disciplinary action by the Board.

Should you wish to nominate a fellow proprietary member, please download the Nomination Form here for that purpose. Each member is entitled to one nomination. For a nominee to qualify, the Nomination Form must be signed by five proprietary members. Please do not forget to have your nominee sign the form to confirm that he/she accepts the nomination and is willing to be posted as a candidate for the 2021-2023 Board.  

Please submit the completely filled-out Nomination Form on or before 19 July 2021 (Monday) at the Membership Office for validation. 

The NOMELEC will prepare, sign and post a list of candidates for the Board of Directors by posting the official candidate list not later than twenty (20) business days before the annual meeting of members. We expect to post this list by 26 July 2021.

Thank you.


Agustin R. Montilla IV
Chairman, NOMELEC

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